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Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response Testing is a non–invasive way to test your body and discover what deficiencies or underlying issues are causing your symptoms and health conditions, developed by Dr. Freddie Ulan.

When you give your body the exact nutrients it needs it can heal itself.

The best way to give your body what it needs is to discover what is lacking and help the body get back in balance. This is done with Nutrition Response Testing. We find out what your body needs and create a clinically designed, personal nutrition program based on the testing.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in nutrition, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Thomas Edison.

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Nutrition Coaching

Functional nutrition is a holistic and personalized approach to improving health through food. By addressing the underlying causes of health issues and promoting a healthy lifestyle, functional nutrition can help individuals achieve optimal well-being. 

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